Ned of the Mara helped us bring Rocket Science through the locks after launching and fueling up in Ballard with the best deal in town on diesel. Thanks Ned!

The last weekend in April was perfect for sailing, we took our friends Dan and Wendy out for a spin and only Griffin took pictures so they’re goofy. On the project list is replacing the dodger windows with either plexiglass or tempered glass, decisions, decisions. Wouldn’t it be nice if the depth didn’t read the top of the bulb sometimes?

For the opening day of boating season I got a quick viewing of my rowing team racing at the cut then headed to Shilshole to cast off for the weekend. When we started up the engine there were no readings from the engine instruments! Borrowed an electrical set kit from our dock buddy on Impossible and managed to figure out a fix and get underway around 2pm. Good that mom and dad were there or we might have given up! It was another great sailing day on Puget Sound and we were greeted by the Mara out there with her shoot up, what a good single handed sailor Ned is.

The Tula met us in Blakely Harbor and we all rafted together, pretty cool to have those three boats all together. Ann, Tula’s owner, brought some buddies who will sail with her this coming summer and her carbon fiber guitar, Griffin had his, and Mom had her carbon uke! They played some tunes on the carbon fiber boat, that was really sweet.

Peaceful evening with a big shared Mexican food mash up dinner. The next day we had a nice sail home, the Mara had to leave early but Tula and RS hung out while the breeze came up.

Late in May we spent a weekend in Manzanita Bay , this time with Flier, the Boreal 44′ whose family we met when it was delivered to CSR when we were also hauled out. Their family is amazing, we really like them and are looking forward to spending lots more time on the water with them. Our other dock neighbors on Southern Star came and anchored nearby. It was a sunny afternoon and kids had fun rowing and sailing. Griffin and Paul invented hammock gymnastics with the yelling of “clench” as they would flip over and hang upside down as long as they could handle it, hilarious!

The infamous Ed Ives who lives nearby came by with the dog in the back of his kayak and told some bad jokes, mom loved it! We all laughed and laughed.

The adults came up with some shenanigans of their own and were up too late, we saw the space station pass overhead at 10:20. Greg and I are getting better at sleeping in an aft stateroom as mom and dad are in the bow, the cats join us just there just in case we get lonely.
We spent another day and night there hanging out and visiting. Lots more hammock practice and rowing around. The Mara showed up, we had afternoon swims around the boats (quickly), Southern Star left, we had another nice meal, slept well, and left the next morning and had great sail home.

June 3rd is Dad’s birthday and Carrie, Nate and the girls joined us for gumbo on the boat and a windy afternoon sail. Reefed the main sped around the sound which seems much smaller than it used to. Once I forgo to release the clutch on the jib sheet and we basically hove to, oops! We’re figuring out that once the boat looses that much speed it’s really hard to get going again, Greg just started the engine after we got the lines sorted and we kept practicing. The days are getting so long, it was late when we got back.

Next was a dinner at the dock while the rain cleared evening with friends we used to race with on the Mara, Glen and JD, and some of Mom and Dad’s friends who are up for adventures. The rain stopped and we left the dock to enjoy just the right amount of wind to get up to speed and cover some distance before it started getting dark.

The next day we met the Van Dykes and went on a Saturday overnight to Port Blakely, an easy place to anchor and nice shore exploration too. Since we don’t fit in Port Madison very well with all the mooring balls and shallower water anymore Port Blakely is becoming our go to spot. Motored there and the boys performed more hammock shenanigans, we got some boat projects done, and had a quite evening with lots of sleep. The next morning we went ashore in the sun and a few of us walked up to the graveyard. The sail home in a northerly was fun, the wind built so we reefed mid way. We took lots of pictures of Rocket Science and Flyer took some of us too.

It’s pretty much the summer now, we started doing more projects than adventures to get ready for our month long trip in August. The to-do list is long but we don’t have to do it all before we leave so we prioritize the things we really want to enjoy. We got out a few more times that I remembered to keep track of: The third of July we did the second annual round raft up in Poulsbo and had SO much fun.

We took out Greg’s cousin and friends and saw the Mara sailing around along with a humpback. Another day we took Greg’s dad and sister out for a sail around to show them what we love about Rocket Science.

Next up, the summer trip with my parents on board!