Labor Day in Poulsbo- Labor Ahead!

We were excited to get to meet up with friends in Poulsbo for a relaxing long weekend on the hook. Even better was by the time we got going on Saturday there was a lovely breeze and we had a great sail across the sound. I finally dropped a video onto our site, wow! Now […]

Summer Cruise 2024

The departure date for our annual four week trip to Desolation Sound was coming up fast and we, but more importantly, the boat, was not ready. As in, really really not ready. The boom was not attached to the boat, the main and jib were at the sail loft, the inside was more taken apart […]

Summer Cruise 2023

July 29th we cast off from our slip at Shilshole at 5am, mom and dad stayed cozy in the bow but Griffin got up soon after the engine started. The prior afternoon mom and dad beat us to the boat so they helped us load the last few precious things such as our two cats […]

Spring 2023, Back in the Water

Ned of the Mara helped us bring Rocket Science through the locks after launching and fueling up in Ballard with the best deal in town on diesel. Thanks Ned! The last weekend in April was perfect for sailing, we took our friends Dan and Wendy out for a spin and only Griffin took pictures so […]

Sailing Into 2023

September 1st we took our fellow tall people, the Miksis family out for a dinner and sail. Later this fall in November we’re going with them to charter a boat in the British Virgin Islands! They’re not sailors so we thought getting them out on the water with us was a good idea. They brought […]

August Cruise 2022

It’s weird getting a new to us boat ready to spend a month on, but then it’s not like we’re without resources. This year my parents were taking their former boat, the J40 Tula, since her new owner was in Antarctica at McMurdo station still. They had our great family friend Kay along who they’ve […]

New Boat and New Friends

As the weather warmed up in the Spring of 2022 we started meeting more people on our new dock. One couple across and a few slips down the dock from us had their boat all tented and were working hard to take off their old teak decks and getting ready to push off and head […]

Winter Flows into Spring

Here is our first blog post where we start off in the winter of 2022 when we took care of 2 boats in the cold and snow. We had a few heaters to manage and while we knew what to do with the red boat, the new blue boat was somewhat of a mystery. How […]