Baxter turns 15!

 With no sailing going on these days, we get to write about the dog.  Unbelievably, little B turns 15 today.  He came to us as an out-of-control rescue dog a few days after his second birthday. He had already burned out two sets of owners, and owners #2 were planning to put him down if […]

Fishing and sailing in 2020

 “You will go straight to your vessel and not disembark for a minimum of 14 days. Non-compliance will result in a penalty of up to $25,000 and up to a year in prison.”  This was the greeting that awaited the arriving crew on the charter flight into Dutch yesterday, delivered by one of the local […]

Atlantic Crossing # 2

 We relaxed for a few days in La Palma, not for any particular sailing reason, but just to enjoy a few quiet days prior to the big crossing. The distance from E-W is substantially higher than our W-E route, about 3000 miles vs 1800. Also, we were expecting much lighter winds than we encountered up […]

Europe-It’s not you, it’s us.

 Ahem… Over the fall, we had some opportunity to ponder just where RS should live. We weighed the pros and cons about keeping her in England, but the truth is that the cruising season is really short there, and I typically work well into July each year. We would basically have a month per year […]

Europe, we just can’t get over you!

 It’s been a while since we’ve done an update, mostly since RS has unbelievably been in the Canary islands for a full year. How did this happen?  As those of you who have been following us for some time know, we were getting a bit sick of cruising. Jenny was getting tired of getting ditched […]

Rocket Science – the movie!

On our trip from Sardinia back to Spain we brought along our friends Elena and Ryan. They have a fabulous YouTube channel called Sailing Kittiwake. They made this great video of our trip together.

Adios, Europe!

We’ll be leaving soon for another Atlantic crossing, destination Caribbean. We’ve been in Europe for not quite two and a half years. It was a good change for us. We’d essentially been in the tropics (mostly Mexico) since 2009, and I had kept Star Path based in Vallarta since 2002. We were ready to do […]

Winter in Gibraltar

We spent last winter in Gibraltar. We knew little about the place, except that it was a big rock with some famous apes, and British. Of course, we also knew that it was outside the EU, and outside of the Schengen zone, and both were needed to keep me and Rocket Science from getting sideways […]

Cartagena to the Islas Canarias

After our welcome foray into the mountains, we returned to sweltering Cartagena to handle a few small maintenance items before the last 900 or so miles to the islands. The plan was to make this run with just a single stop in Gibraltar. First, though, we had one last bit of business to take care […]

Baxter, the freezer dog

We’re back in the heat of Spain after a nice, cool break in the Alps. Yesterday was a particularly hot, windless day, with the temp in the cabin at a rather oppressive 94F. Baxter was pretty unhappy about it, panting and lethargic. Then, I hit upon a brilliant idea! The freezer didn’t have anything in […]